© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.

2004-11-06 Hamons Bush

1. Jacob and Alma trying out the information screens at the Visitors Centre
1. Jacob and Alma trying out the information screens at the Visitors Centre
2. Jacob and Alma were a little in awe of the Christos statue
2. Jacob and Alma were a little in awe of the Christos statue
3. David and Olive with Jacob and Alma at the Visitors Centre
3. David and Olive with Jacob and Alma at the Visitors Centre
4. Shopping for the dinner before going for an ice cream
4. Shopping for the dinner before going for an ice cream
5. Setting up camp around the fire
5. Setting up camp around the fire
6. Putting the food in foil packages before cooking it
6. Putting the food in foil packages before cooking it
7. Foil packages cook in the embers of the fire
7. Foil packages cook in the embers of the fire
8. Dinner tasted very good
8. Dinner tasted very good

© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.
www.redmondfamily.com/Olive and David/Photos/2004/2004-11-06 Hamons Bush/