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2004-10-23 Matthew visit

1. Matthew and Owen building a dam
1. Matthew and Owen building a dam
2. Matthew carrying sticks to build a fire
2. Matthew carrying sticks to build a fire
3. Matthew lighting the fire
3. Matthew lighting the fire
4. Owen sharpens the point of Matthews stick
4. Owen sharpens the point of Matthews stick
5. Matthew cooking his sausage over the hot embers
5. Matthew cooking his sausage over the hot embers
6. Matthew showing Grandma how to cook
6. Matthew showing Grandma how to cook
7. Food at last
7. Food at last
8. Matthew was not heavy enough for Owen on the seesaw
8. Matthew was not heavy enough for Owen on the seesaw
9. Matthew is the king of the castle
9. Matthew is the king of the castle

© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.
www.redmondfamily.com/Olive and David/Photos/2004/2004-10-23 Matthew visit/