© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.

2004-04-16 Olives birthday

1. Olive with birthday candles
1. Olive with birthday candles
2. Ethan sitting on floor
2. Ethan sitting on floor
3. It's a digital camera
3. It's a digital camera
4. Ethan stays awake to see cards
4. Ethan stays awake to see cards
5. Ethan falls asleep
5. Ethan falls asleep
10. Moana lights candles on the cake she made
10. Moana lights candles on the cake she made
11. Ellen Pirihi took us out to dinner at RSA
11. Ellen Pirihi took us out to dinner at RSA
12. Helen Rowe entertains at RSA dance
12. Helen Rowe entertains at RSA dance

© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.
www.redmondfamily.com/Olive and David/Photos/2004/2004-04-16 Olives birthday/