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The Swimsuit

Morning...yuck! Even though there were only a few more days of school left, it sure was hard getting there. The weather had been great all week and besides the only thing going on at school was graduation practice. It wasn't just me, either. All of my senior friends had a bad case of "Senioritis". We really were struggling those last few days. At school my friends devised a plan. "After lunch lets all go over to the outdoors pool and catch some sun," they chimed in. "We're not doing any thing in class anyway," they agreed. What they said made sense, and after all, we had already turned in our books in English anyway.

When the bell rang for lunch we all went and jumped in my car. As I waited in the car while they each went in to get their suits, I wondered to myself, "Why am I doing this?" But then I concluded what could it hurt? School was almost out for the year anyway. We pulled up to my house and I quickly ran inside to get my suit. I reached into my drawer and pulled out my light lavender swim suit. "Lavender....Purple....Integrity," I said to myself. How could I sluff school and go down to the pool wearing this swimsuit? All the things I had been taught in young women's came back slamming me in the face. Right then I knew I couldn't do it. I turned to my friends who were waiting impatiently for me. "Listen you guys, I can't go swimming right now." I told my friends. "If you want to wait till after school I'd love to go, but right now I can't." My lavender swim suit reminded me of how I should act at all times, and in all things, and in all places.

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