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Mineral Chart

Minerial Functions Natural Sources Signs of Deficiency
Calcium Essential for growth and maintenance of bones and teeth; enables muscles including the heart to contract, necessary for notmal blood clotting and proper nerve-impulse transmission Dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, sardines, salmon, soy and almonds Osteoporosis in adults, rickets in children. High blood pressure, heart disease and convulsions
Chromium Works with insulin to regulate the body's use of sugar and is essential to fatty acid metabolism; contributes to metabolism making it beneficial for weight loss; lowers cholesterol and triglycerides Brewer's yeast, liver, lean meats, poltry, molasses, whole grains, eggs and cheese Diabetes, heart disease, hypoglycemia, alcoholism, protein and fat metabolism
Cobalt Helps in the formation of red blod cells and the maintenance of nerve tissue; necessary fot the manufacture of vitamin B12 in the body Sea vegetables, liver, kidneys, milk, oysters or clams Anemia
Copper Aids in hemoglobin formation; facilitates the absorption/use of iron; assists in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate, strengthens blood vessels, bones, tendons and nerves Sea food, organ meats, lentils, wheat germ, blackstrap, molasses, some nuts, muchrooms and honey Cancer, heart disease, immune problems, low white blood cell count and bone demineralization
Iodine Needed by the thyroid gland-thyroid hormones; increases fat burning metabolism; promotes healthy hair, skin, nails and bones Kelp, seafood and iodized salt Goiter, skin problems
Iron Needed in manufacture of Myoglobin and hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying compounds found in blood) and enzymes involved in energy metabolism Red meat, chicken, seafood, dark green vegetables, Whole grains, nuts and dried fruit Iron-deficiency anemia, fatigue and reduced resistance to infection
Magnesium One of the main ingredients in Bone; helps prevent and eliminate osteoporosis; helps regulate nerve and muscle activity needed by all cells; helps prevent cardiovascular disease Fish, green leafy vegetables, milk, nuts, seeds and whole grains Heart disease, menstrual problems and muscle cramps
Manganese Essential for proper formation and maintenance of bone; cartilage and connective tissue; aids in cell metabolism; essential for fat production Avocardos, beans, oatmeal, nuts, buckwheat, peas and strawberries Sprains and strains, Inflammation, diabetes and epilepsy
Molybdenum Helps generate energy and prcess wastes for excretion; essential to normal development of the nervous system, ingredient in tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay Peas, beans, cerals,pastas, green leafy vegetables, yeast, milk and organ meats Tooth decay, sulfite sensitivities and cancer
Phosphorus Found in every cell; key element in cell reaction; essential for the structure of bones and teeth; stimulates muscle contraction and contributes to tissue growth and repair Meat, dairy products, beans, peas,cereals, poultry and grains Fatigue, fractures, weakness and loss of calcium
Potassium Major mineral in body cells; regulates body water balance, nerve function and many cell reactions Lean meats, raw vegetables, fruits (citrus, banana and avocados) and potatoes Heart disease, hight blood pressure, edema, muscular weekness and paralysis
Sulfur Helps regulate blood sugar levels and blood clotting; essential for healthy hair, skin and nails; helps maintain oxygen balance for brain function Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, peas and beans Toxic exposure
Selenium Important andioxidant, functions in close association with Vitamin E Seafood, meat and grains Anemia, arthritis, cancer, heart disease and immune problems
Vanadium Lowers blood sugar levels; inhibits tumor development; contributes to cholesterol metabolism and hormone production Whole grains, nuts, root vegetables, liver, fish and vegetable oils Cancer, Diabetes and high cholesterol levels
Zinc Needed in the structure of cell enzymes; a factor in enzymes involved in digestion; plays a role in prostate health; aids wound healing Widely distributed in food, especially pumpkin and sunflower seeds Growth failure, infertility, delayed wound healing and prostate problems

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