© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.

2004-11-21 Craig's birthday lunch

2. Ethan would love to help his Daddy blow out the birthday candles
2. Ethan would love to help his Daddy blow out the birthday candles
4. Ethan enduring a haircut but he did not like the cape around him so we took it off and let the hair blow away in the wind
4. Ethan enduring a haircut but he did not like the cape around him so we took it off and let the hair blow away in the wind
5. Ethan in the long grass
5. Ethan in the long grass

© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.
www.redmondfamily.com/Olive and David/Photos/2004/2004-11-21 Craig's birthday lunch/