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EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, EFT has been proven clinically effective (over 80%) for Trauma, Abuse, Stress, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Depression, Grief, Addictive Cravings, Children's Issues and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains and breathing difficulties. It is the missing piece to the healing puzzle.

What is EFT? In simplest terms, EFT is an emotional form of acupuncture except that we don't use needles. Instead, we tap with the fingertips to stimulate certain meridian points while the client is "tuned in" to the problem. We are still learning why EFT (and its many cousins) work so well. The existing theory is that "the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

The subtle energies that circulate throughout the body have been largely ignored (until recently) by western scientists. As a result, our use of them for emotional and spiritual healing has been sparse at best. With EFT, however, we consider these subtle energies to be the front running cause of emotional upsets. As a result, we generate results that are FAR beyond those of conventional methods. Even a cursory review of the case histories on this web site will reveal that. Further, EFT often provides relief for a very wide range of physical symptoms. This, too, is abundantly clear in our case histories, which provide unmistakable evidence of the link between our physical ailments and our emotional issues.

EFT is a Doorway to the new Healing High-Rise. It is where a growing number of newcomers to this exciting field get their start. We now have thousands of practitioners using EFT throughout the world.

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