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Emotional Freedom Techniques


Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, EFT has been proven clinically effective (over 80%) for Trauma, Abuse, Stress, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Depression, Grief, Addictive Cravings, Children's Issues and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains and breathing difficulties. It is the missing piece to the healing puzzle.

  • ...Often works where nothing else will.
  • ...Usually rapid, long lasting and gentle.
  • ...No drugs or equipment involved.
  • ...Easily learned by anyone.
  • ...Can be self applied.

What is EFT? In simplest terms, EFT is an emotional form of acupuncture except that we don't use needles. Instead, we tap with the fingertips to stimulate certain meridian points while the client is "tuned in" to the problem. We are still learning why EFT (and its many cousins) work so well. The existing theory is that "the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

The subtle energies that circulate throughout the body have been largely ignored (until recently) by western scientists. As a result, our use of them for emotional and spiritual healing has been sparse at best. With EFT, however, we consider these subtle energies to be the front running cause of emotional upsets. As a result, we generate results that are FAR beyond those of conventional methods. Even a cursory review of the case histories on this web site will reveal that. Further, EFT often provides relief for a very wide range of physical symptoms. This, too, is abundantly clear in our case histories, which provide unmistakable evidence of the link between our physical ailments and our emotional issues.

EFT is a Doorway to the new Healing High-Rise. It is where a growing number of newcomers to this exciting field get their start. We now have thousands of practitioners using EFT throughout the world.

Internet Search - EFT - then - Click next twice - click on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) - A Universal Healing Aid for Trauma, Phobias, Headaches and More


In a nutshell, Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and related techniques use the same Energy Meridian System of the body that is used in the medical treatments of Acupuncture and Acupressure. Instead of treating physical illness, though, these techniques use the energy meridians to treat emotional and psychological distress, often in a matter of minutes. (Even some physical symptoms can be relieved as well.)

It has been discovered that emotional distress is lodged in the body in the energy meridians. Using these techniques, we have a precise way of clearing the energy meridians, and thus, eliminating the emotional distress.

It may sound incredible, but we see rapid, if not instant, relief with at least 80-90% of the people we work with. These techniques really work. (No acupuncture needles are involved, by the way)

In dealing with painful emotions and psychological distress, talk therapy has been the traditional path for more than a century. Talk therapy produces much understanding, insight and effective coping strategies. This is what we were trained in and it has helped many people.

But talk therapy alone can be lengthy, expensive, and can involve re-living painful problems, adding even more suffering on the path toward health. It can be very emotionally demanding. People can gradually get better, but we have also seen them return again to struggle with different forms of the same issues. Often clients need to supplement therapy with medication.

Now, Thought Field Therapy is available. These techniques can relieve the psychological distress entirely, eliminating the need for more and more insight, understanding and coping strategies:.there is no longer any distress to cope with!

EFT - Emotion Free Techniques or Emotional Freedom Techniques is derived from TFT.


This kind of therapy treats a wide range of psychological problems by addressing the bioenergy system directly, using the same Energy Meridian System as Acupuncture and Acupressure. The therapist will have the client tap on a specific sequence of Acupuncture Meridian points while focusing on the issue. (The tapping takes the place of needles, and other methods of stimulating the energy meridians, that acupuncturists use)

By directly addressing the energy flows established by their thoughts, clients are quickly able to end long-standing, overwhelming negative feelings in the mind and body. It does not involve prolonged re-living of a problem for clients to get better. Suffering is very often relieved in minutes.

Therapists can also easily teach their clients the tapping patterns so clients can continue to treat their problems away from the therapist's office.

In our practices, we have seen Energy Psychology make real and lasting changes in many ways and in many kinds of situations.

EFT can dissolve the lingering effects of past trauma such as abuse, crime, accidents, and negative personal events large and small.

EFT significantly accelerate recovery from emotional issues such as depression, anxiety and panic disorders, phobias, grief and loss, love pain, jealousy, anger, obsessions, compulsive behaviors, etc.

EFT can remove blocks to success and personal performance in public speakers, actors, singers, teachers, salespeople, or anyone wishing to enhance their level of success.

EFT can dramatically reduce destructive patterns in personal relationships, parenting and families so they can be as enjoyable as they were meant to be.

EFT can reduce emotional issues that interfere with satisfaction and productivity on the job.

EFT can help people in recovery successfully manage addictive cravings and the ups and downs of life without returning to their addictive substances and behaviors.

EFT can help you conquer unwanted habits that you have not been able to change before.

Marti MacEwan, MA, CMHC and Stephanie Eldringhoff, http://www.rapidrelief.com/index.htm (or Search - Energy Psychology)

  1. Inform your subconscious mind what you want the POSITIVE outcome of the healing to be.
  2. The Setup (for specific issues)- Find your Tender (Sore) Spot, an indent on the chest 8cm (3inches) along and 8cm below the collarbone either side, and begin rubbing it. Repeat this statement 3 times: Even though I (state the problem here), I deeply and completely accept myself. SAY THESE WORDS WITH FEELING!
  3. The Sequence (tap on both sides of your body unless you are driving, then you can tap with one hand-but you may want to skip your ankle points: -). While saying your releasing statement at each point, tap these points approximately 7-10 times each: Top of the Head (TH), Eyebrow (EB), Side-of-the-Eye (SE), Under-the-Eye (UE), Under-the-Nose (UN), Chin (CH), Collar Bone (CB), Under-the-Arm (UA), Wrist (W), Top of Ankle - inside and outside (TA). NOW TAKE A DEEP DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATH.

(Note: The Top-of-the-Head point is slightly to the back (the soft spot on the head), the Collar Bone point is one inch down from the centre of your clavicle, and one inch to the right and/or the left, the Under-the-Arm point is approximately four inches down from your armpit - for women (in the middle of your bra on your side), for men (right in line with your nipple on your side).

Optional - If you find that you need extra rounds to completely rid yourself of the problem, start from the beginning with the Setup. However, change your setup statement to reflect the fact that you are addressing the remainder of the problem (i.e. Even though I STILL HAVE SOME OF THIS (state the problem here), I deeply and completely accept myself.) REMEMBER TO BREATHE.

Optional - (Check inside. If you look for the problem and if you can't find it, you're ready for this step). You do not have to do the Setup at this point. You can simply start at the crown of your head and instead of tapping the points, rub in the positive statements (i.e. I now install complete calm and peace of mind.) Do all of your points. TAKE A DEEP BREATH. YOU DID GOOD!

(Important Note: make sure that when you are checking for the problem to be gone, you are seeing the original thing that you thought of to begin the process. If you see something else and you still have a negative charge, that's simply another aspect of the same problem, and you will want to do EFT on that aspect of the problem, as well. But if you go back to the original visualization and you can't find a negative charge, you are free, and ready to install positives).

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