© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.


We all want to be successful in life.
One of the areas of success is in our work.
We may want to be our own boss, but we must first learn to be employable.
This does not necessarily mean we must have a paid job,
But that we are the kind of person
People recognise instantly they want to employ.

We must be reliable, responsible, resourceful, respectful.
We must have integrity.
We need to educate ourselves.
The local library is our gateway to learning.

We succeed when we learn to recognise opportunities.
A crisis is sometimes a chance for progress in a different direction.
Failure is often success stopped too soon.
When we learn to tell the difference between our needs and our wants,
Then we develop an attitude of gratitude,
And we come, full circle, back to love -
The only currency valued the whole world over.

Olive Redmond Jun 1989

© 2003–2024 The Redmond Family. All rights reserved.