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Best Ever Brown Bread Recipe

Best recipe I found so far

Makes a large 2lb loaf


Place ingredients in bread machine in the above order. Select White Bread setting.

When using a timer bread setting, make sure that the yeast doesn't touch any of the wet ingredients.


I put 50g of seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and pine nuts). And half teaspoon less oil instead as there is oil in the seeds already.

This is the Perfect recipe that worked for me!! it went well and rise well.


This is the bread recipe that I use now on a daily basis. It makes a nice and soft bread not as crusty as I left the sugar out. To make it less crusty after I take the bread out of the machine, I put a tea towel over it to soak in the moist and it makes it less crusty. And still have a nice, soft and moist bread with a nutty texture. Perfect size, just enough for one day's worth for my family.

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